Friday, April 28, 2006


Again, Temari tried to kill us with dinner today. Her food was well...Temari if you are reading this, don't blame me for saying this, but it is the fact...the foods suck. When I look at it the first time, I thought it was poison you are trying to make for your weapon. Oh for the humanity, the thing was blue and it was bubbling.

Okay Temari, don't get mad. There's still a way to help you. I will sign you up in a cooking class soon or maybe you can let me do the cooking next time and don't get mad at me now because I know you are now. I guess I will at least know what happen if you charge into my office suddenly tommorow morning.

Hehe, I received some photos from Hinata today. I guess I will post these two first and tell you what happen.

That day, Naruto said that there's a special place that he wanted to take us to so, me and Hinata followed since no one wanted to join Naruto on his little adventure. Haha, I think I know why now, the place we went was quite empty and I don't even know where he was taking us. After two hours, he dared to say that he didn't know where this place is. I tackled him to the ground for making us walk a whole 3 hours for nothing. Hinata just giggled and ask us if we were having a 'soft fight'. Seriously, 'soft fight'? It was so weird and funny that both of us laughed. She took out her camera and ask us if we want to have a photo taken here.

Naruto got up and volunteered to take some photo for us. So, here it is.

"N-Naruto-k-kun, just p-push-h the-e r-red button.."

We look bored don't we? Haha, after that, Naruto grinned and said to us...

"You two look like a couple." Duh, now only you realize? Both of us laughed and walk away from the confused Naruto. You silly fox, how dense can you be? Isn't this obvious my dear friend?

When Naruto tried to catch up with us, I hold Hinata hand and we ran faster away from him. He shouted for us to stop but we did the opposite. Haha, you should see the look on his face.

We were so exhausted later we rest on the open field we passes by. It was sunny and warm after the cold night. The field was beautiful and refreshing too. I guess this is the place Naruto meant to bring us to. Hinata then got up, took her camera and took a shot at me under the sun.

~ Give me five more minutes dear and I will be up ~ XD

Haha, I wasn't exactly ready for the camera. I still have one eye shut. See? *points at photo* Haha, Hinata, please warn me next time. We laid there till the sun was nearly setting and head for home after that. This time, I did the leading and not Naruto eventhough he volunteered a thousand times.

That fox didn't know how to quit sometimes. That's what I admired him for. He just wouldn't give up. He then tackle me to the ground and we got into another 'soft fight'. Again, Hinata giggled and we laughed together with her.

Though you are annoying Naruto, but you are warm and nice to be with. Thanks for being my friend. I wouldn't be here without you and our fight. I appreciate it very much and Hinata, thanks for being there in my life. With you here, you have make me whole. My life feel complete now. I'm glad I make all of you.

your love is like a shadow at 12:11 AM
3 said we can't be wrong together

Myself & I

  • Sabaku No Gaara
  • A Kazekage
  • Live In Sunagakure
  • Fantastic Sex Appeal


Those Days